Stronga recently supplied steam heat-treatment solutions to a reputable microgreen’s grower, enabling them to recycle and reuse their peat substrate.
Stronga FlowSteama
How to Remove Japanese Knotweed Using Steam
Stronga produce steaming solutions designed to reliably, efficiently and economically heat treat soils, eradicating Japanese Knotweed.
The Problems, Answers and Future of Eradicating Soil-Borne Plant Pathogens from Nursery Potting Media
Soil sterilization eradicates harmful organisms, weed seeds, and pathogens from mineral soil and potting mixes. Soil sterilization is particularly advantageous in conditions where soils are used repeatedly to germinate seeds, propagate cuttings, or grow juvenile plants. Steam sterilization provides a “clean” growing environment, preventing “damping off” and encouraging strong, healthy growth.
Stronga FlowSteama & SteamBoila – Reducing Waste in Your Business
Stronga are working with numerous growers in various niche sectors within horticulture. In the example case study here, we are discussing a leading cut flower grower through which we have had the pleasure of supporting on their journey towards a low waste world.