Fully Utilise Your Hooklift Trailer
At Stronga, we believe in sharing our knowledge to help our customers succeed in their logistics, handling and transport applications. This guide covers Stronga’s knowledge related to hook lift bowsers, vacuum tanks, concrete mixers, ISO skele frames and more. Please refer to our other guides for information related to bulk materials, heavy materials and hook lift flatbeds.
While Stronga no longer produce “standard” hook lift bodies as part of our standard product range, such as containers for transporting bulk or heavy materials, we do continue to design and manufacture a premium-level range of hooklift bowsers, tanks and ISO skele frames.
If you have any questions relating to hook lift trailers, bowers, vacuum tanks or ISO skeletal frames; please email us today – sales@stronga.co.uk.

ISO Skeletal Frames
The Stronga ISOLoada skele frame compliments our leading range of hook lift trailers. This highly versatile piece of kit allows the professional operator to mount and transport 20ft shipping containers with their HookLoada trailer.
The photo below shows how the ISO container is twist locked onto the ISOLoada A-frame. This allows the customer to enjoy the many benefits of working in the ‘ISO’ intermodal world – transporting bulk solids and bulk liquids whilst also enjoying the potential to handle refrigerated ISO containers, shipping container offices, workshops, saunas and more.
Clients investing in this multiple-purpose equipment need to consider the working load to ensure the skele has a suitable load duty. Stronga produce ISOLoada equipment as part of our standard product range. Please do contact us for further information on your ISO container moving applications – info@stronga.co.uk.

Hook Lift Bowsers
Stronga’s heavy-duty polyeutherene mobile storage tanks are designed for transporting water, liquid fertiliser, molasses and more. Each bowser comes fitted with a special pin mounting system so the storage tank can be mounted securely onto the bespoke A-Frame. This allows the UniBowsa to be safely and securely loaded onto the hook lift equipment.
Different tap configurations are available for filling and emptying. Other options include engine mounted pumps; spray bars, sight gauges, anti-surge baffle balls and more. Clients can customise the unit to their individual requirements.

Combi Flatbed & Fibreglass Tank
The photo below shows a ‘combi’ type arrangement hook lift solution – a strong fibreglass tank with anti-surge baffles bolted onto a sub-frame and then mounted onto a useful hook lift flatbed. This type of multi-purpose arrangement allows the client to use the hooklift solution throughout the year for a wide range of different, seasonal purposes.
In the design phase of the flatbed and tank, capacities need to be matched up with the capacity of the hook lift trailer to ensure the equipment is fully compatible.

Hook Lift Vacuum Tanker
The photo below shows Stronga’s very own ‘SuperTanka’ – premium level, highly reliable, tried and tested hook lift chassis-mounted assemblies designed for filling, spraying, or transporting liquid products. Hook lift vacuum tankers can be bought with or without the pump which is generally hydraulically-driven. Multiple optional features are available such as sight glasses, filling and emptying valves, internal surge-baffles, vacuum hoses and more.

Hook Lift Fuel Tanks
Overall loads, including fuel and equipment tare weight, should be considered when matching the fuel tank frame to your HookLoada trailer. Fuel tanks are supplied bunded, as standard, with suitable mounting points for attaching to the hook lift frame. Most bunded fuel tanks are specified with electric dispensing pump, hosing and filters, however gravity-fed solutions are also available.
Bunded fuel tanks need to meet current standards for the market in which they are being operated. Hook lift fuel tanks are specially-built by project; contact Stronga to discuss your fuel handling requirements.

Hook Lift Woodchip Drying Containers
The photo below shows Stronga’s ‘HAF Zontal’ woodchip drying containers. These special containers feature a central plenum which distributes warm airflow horizontally through the wet woodchip material, drying the product evenly and efficiently. Other features include a roll sheet to keep the load dry, drip tray to extract moisture and perforated sides to allow moisture to evaporate, avoiding any re-condensation.
Stronga hook lift drying containers can be used to collect, dry and deliver wet materials:
(1) Collect logs or woodchip from the source;
(2) Dry the load at the Drying Station by connecting a suitable air/heat source;
(3) Deliver the dry end product to the end user – all using the same hook lift trailer.
Talk to Stronga today for more information on drying wet woodchip in containers. This is a complex field of expertise which requires specialist advice from the field leader.

Hook Lift Concrete Mixer
The photo below shows a hook lift mounted concrete mixer. This is a fully commercial, modern, well specified unit which can fit on 8 wheeler trucks, as well as Stronga hook lift trailers. There are two options to consider with this type of hook lift assembly – hydraulic or engine driven operation. The particular unit in the photo below has a water supply, an unloading chute, access ladders and multiple other features. Hook lift concrete mixers can be specified with different size drums to suit the scale of your operation.
By investing in demountable hook lift equipment, like the hook lift concrete mixer, you can alter the capital allowances classification, making it more economic for leasing, but also from a taxation point of view.

Hook Lift Water Pump
The photo below shows a hook lift water pump, designed specifically for fire-fighting applications. Manufacturers all over the world are increasingly investing in hook lift fire-fighting equipment because they have rightly found them extremely useful and economic in rapid deployment situations. The equipment, as with other hook lift solutions, can be transported using hook lift trailers and hook lift trucks. The photo below shows a “global” solution with twist-locks and crane lifting points, allowing it be transported by intermodal means – road, rail and sea cargo.

In-Vessel Composting Solutions
With organic material resources becoming increasingly scarce and valuable, many clients are turning to in-vessel composting solutions as a method of hygienising green wastes, composts, growing substrates and more.
This high capacity, insulated in-vessel composting unit allows batch processing of a wide range of organic materials. Temperature and airflow sensors allow the process to be controlled using multiple units in a “composting station” arrangement. This is another complex area of work whereby specialist advice from Stronga is crucial to your success.

Liquid Digestate Handling
The photo below shows a biogas, liquid digestate handling solution. With artificial fertiliser prices rapidly rising together with booming energy costs, farmers and growers are appreciating the value of organic fertilisers. This specialist hook lift unit is designed to safely transport digestate liquids between store and field while also allowing rapid filling of digestate spreading equipment. This is just another great example of the versatility of HookLoada in bespoke seasonal situations.

Hook Lift Shredding Equipment
The photo below shows an innovative transport solution which enables utilisation between work sites for flexible and robust shredding equipment. This application further demonstrates the scope of HookLoada in providing useful and efficient transport across sectors. In addition to the numerous uses with construction and demolition waste, the pictured mobile shredder is also suitable for processing railway sleepers, roots, tyres, household and commercial waste and many other materials.
Thanks to the low basic weight and hydraulically tilting chassis of the shredder, transport via a small hooklift trailer or hooklift truck is possible without the need of any special permits. This particular hook lift shredder features a revolutionary shaft quick-change system and an innovative SCU control and a shaft design which combine to expand the machine’s range of applications.

Vegetable & Grain Cooling / Pre-Processing
Vegetable and grain cooling is another extremely useful application of the HookLoada trailer. The photo below shows a vented, ambient air container which allows batch cooling of various crops, preserving crop quality prior to processing. A key benefit of this equipment is providing buffer storage between harvesting speed and processing speed whereby multiple units can be built-up to provide scalable, mobile and static crop storage.
This solution allows harvesting to be carried out in optimal conditions and crops to be held in a cooling airflow, reducing losses and preserving crop condition in front of processing lines.

In-Container Steam Extraction Processing
Another interesting area of work Stronga have been involved in is specialised stainless steel lined steam extraction containers, used for shuttling high value crops from field to steam distillation extraction. These high value crops include eucalyptus, lavender, tea tree oil. This highly useful, elegant, simple and long life hook lift solution provides storage, processing and steam extraction, all-in-one.

Contact Stronga Today
This article provides a selection of examples of various hook lift containers, tanks, bowsers and skele frames. There are many creative pioneers leading the progress in hook lift applications and there are many different ways to get the job done using a HookLoada trailer, together with correctly-specified hooklift containers, tanks, bowsers, frames and flatbeds.
If you have any questions about any of the information in this article, please don’t hesitate to contact our sales team using the following details. We look forward to hearing from you.
Email – sales@stronga.co.uk
Photo – 01992 519000
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